How Does Base Damage Work in Throne & Liberty Andrew 4 months ago Beginner Combat General Share on Reddit Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Table of Contents What Is Base Damage in Throne & Liberty? How Good is Base Damage in TL? How to Increase Base Damage in Throne & Liberty Welcome to our guide about Base Damage in Throne & Liberty. In this guide we will explain what Base Damage is, how you can increase it, and why it's so important for increasing your overall damage output and DPS potential. For more guides about a variety of topics in TL, please check our Throne & Liberty Guides Database. What Is Base Damage in Throne & Liberty? Base Damage is a stat in Throne & Liberty. As its name suggests, it forms the base of your damage output. If you look at the tooltips of your Active Skills in TL, you will see that most damage and healing skills deal a percentage of your Base Damage, often with another fixed number added onto the end of the calculation. Your Base Damage is not one fixed number, but is a range of numbers with a minimum and a maximum value. Every attack or heal you use will roll a random number between your min and max base damage, and this will be used for the calculation. If you land a Critical Hit, then the maximum base damage is used automatically. How Good is Base Damage in TL? If you're looking to increase your damage (or healing) values in Throne & Liberty, you may be wondering which stats are going to yield the largest increase. Base Damage is one of the most important stats to increase in the game, because the effectiveness of most of your skills is scaled from this. Stats like Bonus Damage and Skill Damage Boost are added on after Base Damage, but Base Damage is the basis of the calculation, so it makes sense to prioritize increasing it. That doesn't mean the other stats aren't also good - you'll need to work on several stats to perfect your build, but Base Damage is the best starting point in the majority of cases. Your Base Damage is sourced from your Weapon in Throne & Liberty How to Increase Base Damage in Throne & Liberty There are four main ways to increase your Base Damage in Throne & Liberty, explained below: Get a better weapon - Once you've levelled up your character and got a decent set of gear for farming, one of your first priorities should be to get an Epic (purple) weapon. This may not be an easy task, and at the least will require a lot of farming (unless you get extremely lucky), but it's one of the best ways to improve your Base Damage. Try to go for weapons that have a high Base Damage range; all weapons have a slightly different range. Upgrade your weapon - Once you've got an Epic Weapon, use Precious Weapon Growth Stones to level up the weapon, which will further increase your Base Damage. You should also do this with lower rarity weapons while you're working on obtaining an Epic weapon, as this will make farming (and every other aspect of combat) easier. Increase your basic stats - Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom and Perception all contribute towards increasing your Base Damage in Throne & Liberty. Try to obtain (and then upgrade) armour that boosts your basic stats. Your armour doesn't need to be purple for now, blue is fine as long as it buffs your basic stats. Getting a purple weapon and upgrading your Skills is more important than getting purple armour (purple armour takes a long time to fully upgrade and Trait). Level Up Weapon Mastery - Some nodes in the Weapon Mastery tree will give you a buff to your Bonus Damage. This will level up naturally over time as you gain XP. We don't recommend farming it specifically, because you can gain Weapon Mastery by farming other things (like public dungeons). Weapon Mastery can add extra buffs to your Base Damage in TL We hope you liked this guide about Base Damage in Throne & Liberty. About the Author: Andrew Andrew is an avid long-time gamer and writer with a lot of experience in the gaming industry. Andrew also writes content for and