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How to Farm Queen Bellandir's Soul Fragments in Throne & Liberty

How to Farm Queen Bellandir's Soul Fragments in Throne & Liberty

Andrew 4 months ago

In this quick guide, we will explain how you can farm Queen Bellandir's Soul Fragments in Throne & Liberty. 

Queen Bellandir's Soul Fragments can be used to craft powerful Queen Bellandir equipment, which is some of the rarest and strongest gear available in Throne and Liberty. 

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How to Farm Queen Bellandir's Soul Fragments in TL

To farm Queen Bellandir's Soul Fragments, use a combination of the methods listed below:

  • Defeat and loot Archboss Queen Bellandir. Check the Event Schedule to find out when she will next appear. 
  • Pick up the Soul Fragments in Moonlight Desert - Here you can find Queen Bellandir burrowing through the sand to attack players. You cannot fight Bellandir here, and anyone who touches her will die. However, every time she does this she leaves behind one Soul Fragment that can be looted by one player only. 
  • 2% chance to find a fragment in the Amitoi Expedition Pouch from the following areas: Abandoned Stonemason Town, Akidu Valley, Daybreak Shore, Grayclaw Forest, Manawastes, Monolith Wastelands, Moonlight Desert, Sandworm Lair or The Raging Wilds.
  • Small chance to find one fragment when opening a Small Sack or a Big Sack caught via Fishing in one of the aforementioned areas. 

These are all currently known ways to farm Queen Bellandir's Soul Fragments in Throne & Liberty. Unfortunately getting enough fragments to craft one of the Queen Bellandir weapons is a very long process. 

Queen Bellandir Soul Fragments can be used to craft powerful Bellandir weapons in Throne & Liberty
Queen Bellandir Soul Fragments can be used to craft powerful Bellandir weapons in Throne & Liberty

About the Author: Andrew

Andrew is an avid long-time gamer and writer with a lot of experience in the gaming industry. Andrew also writes content for and