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How to Farm Rare and Precious Parchments to Craft Books in Throne & Liberty

How to Farm Rare and Precious Parchments to Craft Books in Throne & Liberty

Andrew 4 months ago

In this quick guide, we will explain the best ways to farm Rare Parchment and Precious Parchment in Throne & Liberty. 

These crafting materials are essential for character progression, as they are used to craft Skill Books necessary to level up your skills and passives. Due to the incremental nature of leveling up your Skills and Passives in TL, you need to farm a very large number of Parchments (potentially hundreds or even thousands). 

Parchment is needed to craft Skill Books to level up your Skills in Throne & Liberty
Parchment is needed to craft Skill Books to level up your Skills in Throne & Liberty

Parchment is also needed to create Blank Lithographs, which are usually needed to sell unwanted equipment on the Auction House

Because of this, a lot of players are finding themselves in short supply of Rare and Precious Parchment in Throne & Liberty. This guide will list the best ways to obtain these quickly, and in decent quantities. 

For more guides about a variety of topics in TL, please check our Throne & Liberty Guides Database.

How to Farm Rare and Precious Parchments in TL

These are the best methods for farming Rare Parchment and Precious Parchment in Throne & Liberty:

  • Farm Public Dungeons - Farming Level 50 public dungeons such as Shadowed Crypt and Syleus' Abyss is one of the best ways to find Rare and Precious Parchment in Throne & Liberty. Mobs have a decent chance to drop Parchment, and can also drop other valuable crafting and progression items like Precious Marind and other gemstones. The loot is very good here, but you need to be in a group as the mobs are quite strong. Ensure you have some Abyssal Contact Tokens saved up, otherwise you won't get any loot. At night time, the dungeon will become PvP enabled, so try to come early in the day and get out before nightfall, unless you don't mind the PvP. 
  • Complete Contracts - All Contracts have a reward that you can view before accepting them. When browsing Contracts at the Contract Vendor, look out for Rare Parchment, which is often included as a reward. Use the Refresh button to generate new Contract options if there are no more Contracts on offer with the desired rewards.
  • Temple of Sylaveth - This is a low-level public dungeon. Precious Parchment will not drop at the Temple of Sylaveth, but you can still get Quality and Rare Parchment. If you are max level and fairly well-geared, you can easily solo this dungeon - equip some AoE skills to speed things up. If you're low level, bring a couple of friends and farm the mobs to get Quality and Rare Parchment and gemstones.
  • Crafting - You can craft a piece of Parchment at the Skill Research vendor in Stonegard Castle. For Rare Parchment, you need 15 Quality Parchment. For Precious Parchment, you need 15 Rare Parchment. 
You can farm Rare Parchment by completing Contracts in Throne & Liberty
You can farm Rare Parchment by completing Contracts in Throne & Liberty

Lots of other mobs throughout the world can also drop Parchment, but the drop rate is much lower so they aren't good for farming. 

We hope you liked this guide about farming Rare and Precious Parchment in Throne & Liberty.

About the Author: Andrew

Andrew is an avid long-time gamer and writer with a lot of experience in the gaming industry. Andrew also writes content for and