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How to Farm Tevent's Soul Fragments in Throne & Liberty

How to Farm Tevent's Soul Fragments in Throne & Liberty

Andrew 4 months ago

In this quick guide, we will explain how to obtain Tevent's Soul Fragments in Throne & Liberty. 

You can farm Tevent's Soul Fragments and use them to craft Tevent equipment, which is some of the strongest gear currently available in TL, but is very unlikely to drop outright. 

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How to Farm Tevent's Soul Fragments in Throne & Liberty

You can use the following methods to farm Tevent's Soul Fragments in TL:

  • Defeat and loot the Archboss Tevent. Check the Event Schedule to see when Tevent will next appear. 
  • Adentus, World Boss in Ruins of Turayne. 
  • Defeat undead mobs in Ruins of Turayne: Ravenous Zombies, Skeleton Soldiers, Skeleton Knights, Skeleton Lancers, Skeleton Archers, Sluggish Zombies, Desperate Zombies, Plague Zombies, Zombie Mutts, Mutant Test Subjects, Enchanted Mutants and Giant Ravenous Zombies all have a chance to drop the fragments. 
  • 2% chance to find a Tevent Fragment in Amitoi Expedition Pouches from Blackhowl Plains, Carmine Forest, Fonos Basin, Golden Rye Pastures, Nesting Grounds, Purelight Hill, Ruins of Turayne, Shattered Temple, Urstella Fields or Windhill Shores. 
  • Small chance to find a Tevent Fragment in Small Sacks and Big Sacks found via Fishing, if the Sack was caught in one of the aforementioned zones. 

These are all of the currently known methods for farming Tevent's Soul Fragments in Throne & Liberty. 

Tevent's Soul Fragments can be used to craft powerful weapons in Throne & Liberty
Tevent's Soul Fragments can be used to craft powerful weapons in Throne & Liberty

About the Author: Andrew

Andrew is an avid long-time gamer and writer with a lot of experience in the gaming industry. Andrew also writes content for and