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How to Get the Kraken Fishing Rod in Throne & Liberty

How to Get the Kraken Fishing Rod in Throne & Liberty

Andrew 4 months ago

In this guide, we will explain how you can obtain the Kraken Fishing Rod in Throne & Liberty. This is the best Fishing Rod currently available in the game, and obtaining it will make Fishing easier. 

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How to Get the Kraken Fishing Rod in Throne & Liberty

To get the Kraken Fishing Rod, you must first level up your Amitoi Expeditions sufficiently to open up Daybreak Shore as an Expedition destination. 

Once this is done, you can send Amitois to Daybreak Shore to find items. One of the items they can bring back is a Daybreak Shore Expedition Pouch

The Daybreak Shore Expedition Pouch will give you some crafting materials when you open it. It also has a 4% chance to contain the Kraken Fishing Rod. 

If you are actively playing the game, we recommend sending the Expedition for one hour each time, as this will maximise the number of attempts to get the pouch (you won't get it every time). If you're less active and only log in once or twice per day, you can use the four or eight-hour expedition instead. 

Remember to send Amitois who specialise in the coastal biome, as they have a better chance of finding high-quality items. 

How to Get the Kraken Fishing Rod in Throne & Liberty
How to Get the Kraken Fishing Rod in Throne & Liberty

Unfortunately, this process is entirely RNG, and besides logging in regularly to send out Expeditions, you cannot do much to speed it up. You might get lucky and get the Kraken Fishing Rod on the first day, or you might be waiting for weeks to get one. However, farming it is easy since all you need to do is keep sending Amitoi Expeditions to Daybreak Shore, and the +3 Fishing Skill bonus will be worth the wait if you do a lot of Fishing in Throne & Liberty. 

If you don't want to wait, there is another option that allows you to get a Fishing Rod that's as good as the Kraken Fishing Rod. 

Alternative Option - Tevent Fishing Rod

If you don't want to rely on the Amitoi Expedition RNG to get your Kraken Fishing Rod, you can instead craft the Tevent Fishing Rod. This also grants a +3 Fishing Skill bonus, making it functionally identical to the Kraken Fishing Rod. 

This Fishing Rod can be crafted at the Senior Sundries Vendor in Stonegard Castle. You'll need to gather the following items to craft it:

  • 1x Tevent's Soul Fragment - Drops from the Tevent Archboss, the Adentus World Boss, and has a small chance to drop from undead mobs in Ruins of Turayne.
  • 100x Nature's Jade - Looted from Small Sacks and Big Sacks caught during Fishing. 
  • 30x Precious Mystwood - Purchase from the Guild Merchant, craft by combining Rare Mystwood, or small chance to loot from Orcs in Fire Cave and Mitrans in Purelight Hill. 
  • 30x Precious Manasteel - Purchase from the Guild Merchant, craft by combining Rare Manasteel, or small chance to loot from Ord Brawlers in Fire Cave, Skeleton Lancers in Ruins of Turayne and Enhcnated Fire Orc Brawlers in Fonos Basin. 
  • 2,662,000 Sollant

As you can see, crafting the Tevent Fishing Rod allows you to gather quite a lot of materials, including Precious crafting materials. 

How to Get the Tevent Fishing Rod in Throne & Liberty
How to Get the Tevent Fishing Rod in Throne & Liberty

Remember that both Fishing Rods are functionally the same - which one you should aim for depends on you. If you're a regular player, you might already have most of the materials for the Tevent Fishing Rod. But if you're more casual or can't put in enough hours to farm lots of materials, then you could have an easier time farming the Kraken Fishing Rod instead. 

We hope you liked this guide about the Kraken Fishing Rod in Throne & Liberty. 

About the Author: Andrew

Andrew is an avid long-time gamer and writer with a lot of experience in the gaming industry. Andrew also writes content for and