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Uncommon Active Skill 2 Chest

Uncommon Active Skill 2 Chest
Selectable Fixed Package Item - Throne and Liberty

Uncommon Active Skill 2 Chest - Contained Items

Avenger Dodge
Defends against attacks. On defending against a Fury Attack with Block Blade while stationary, Mana regenerates. On defending against a Fury Attack within 0.5s, Block Blade changes to Poison Daggerfor a set duration. Use with the directional buttons to defend against attacks while moving to the designated direction. Becomes Stealthed to make yourself unable to be targeted and Mana Regen increases after defending against a Fury Attack. Block Blade changes to Poison Dagger. The first attack while Stealthed is a Critical Hit. Stealth ends when you attack or morph. Poison Dagger Throws up to 5 daggers at enemies within a 5m-radius, dealing damage proportional to the Base Damage and applying Weaken: Poison. Distributes the attack if there are multiple enemies within range.
Chaotic Shield
Defends against an attack. Applies Touch of Despair to the target. On defending against a Fury Attack, decreases reamining Curse skill cooldown. On defending against a Fury Attack within 0.5s, restores Stamina for all party members within range.
Iron Point Parry
Defends against an attack. On defending against a Fury Attack, Iron Point Parry changes to Murderous Draw and the next Attack Skill deals increased damage (proportional to Base Damage) to targets within range. On defending against a Fury Attack within 0.5s, deals damage with a chance to Stun the target. Targets immune to Stun are Shocked for $[CM_SW2_CounterMove_Stun_Duration_Boss.tooltip1]s. Use with the directional buttons to defend against attacks while moving in the designated direction. Upon defending against a Fury Attack, Charging Draw is activated for a set duration. Murderous Draw Deals damage proportional to Base Damage to targets within a 4m radius. Charging Draw Charges at the target, dealing damage proportional to Base Damage and increasing Magic, Melee, and Ranged Heavy Attack Chances for a set duration.
Mystic Shield
Uses magic to defend against an attack. On defending against a Fury Attack, shoots a lightning bolt at the attacker, dealing damage and decreasing their Move Speed. If the target is Wet, or Frosted (by you), the effect also spreads to nearby enemies.
Defends against an attack. On defending against the Fury Attack, use Agile Shot within a set duration.
Rupturing Parry
Not in Use
Shield Position
Defends against an attack. Upon defending against a Fury Attack, restores Health.

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