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Throne and Liberty Goblin Butcher
Goblin Morph

A type of goblin from the Urstella clan that inhabits the Urstella Fields. Goblin Butchers come to battle equipped with helmets, armor, and dual axes, and are noted for wearing their long hair up. They have a custom of tying their hair high on their heads, and rumor has it that the higher a Goblin Butcher ties their hair, the stronger they are. They are hostile toward humans who try to steal Stardust.
Goblin Butcher
Goblin Butcher Morph in Throne & Liberty
Goblin Butcher Morph in Throne & Liberty

To unlock the Goblin Butcher morph, complete the third objective in the Butcher in the Field quest in the Urstella Fields Exploration Codex:

  • Collect a Gatherable item at Urstella Fields
  • Defeat goblins suffering from Dancing Fever near the Starlight Stones
  • Defeat Giant Goblin Butcher
A special Morphstone to morph into the designated form. Imprints onto your body, enabling you to morph.


Goblin Butcher

Related Morphs

A type of goblin from the Urstella clan that inhabits the Urstella Fields. Goblin Strongarms wear helmets and armor and wield large hammers. A prominent characteristic of Goblin Strongarms is that they do not grow beards because they can get in the way while engaging in physical activity. Rumor has it that in the past, a famous Goblin Strongarm drowned because his beard got stuck while he was building a bridge across a river. They are hostile toward humans who try to steal Stardust.
Goblin Strongarm