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Throne and Liberty Black Boar
Wild Beast Morph

Wild Beast
A boar species that lives in the deep forests of Laslan. They are aggressive, greedy, and temperamental. Their keen sense of smell helps them to find their favorite food, mushrooms, from far away.
Black Boar
Black Boar Morph in Throne & Liberty
Black Boar Morph in Throne & Liberty

To unlock the Black Boar morph, complete the first objective of the Raining Hill quest, in the Purelight Hill Exploration Codex:

  • Defeat Black Boar, who has eaten Tough Herb
A special Morphstone to morph into the designated form. Imprints onto your body, enabling you to morph


Black Boar

Related Morphs

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Wild Beast
Purpumas are said to be native to the black forests of Trutizan. These nocturnal creatures are transparent at night, making them perfect ambushers. Like other predators, Purpumas are feared for their agility. A typical Purpuma's entire body is black, and as it grows stronger, it gains a fierce violet aura. They live a solitary life in the deep forest and mainly hunt herbivores.
Rankuian Purpuma