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Throne and Liberty Green Ranger Elowen

Eldrin was a forest clan that worshiped nature and aimed to form a peaceful civilization. Legends say they were born of the World Tree in a time long past. Elowen was daughter of the Mirror Lake Forest Chieftain. When she was young and full of curiosity, she ventured beyond the outskirts of her forest and saw humans slaughtering elves. She was appalled by their cruelty and developed a fear of humans. Afterwards, she committed herself to harsh training in use of the sword and bow in order to be able to protect the forest from any invasion.
Thorn Shackles
On dealing skill damage to a hostile target, has a(n) 0.04% basic chance plus an additional 50% chance per 1m of distance from the target to Bind the target for1-2s.
Green Ranger Elowen

How to Unlock Green Ranger Elowen

To unlock Green Ranger Elowen, you must complete an Exploration quest in Nesting Grounds. The Codex entry is called Elemental Tree Harvest: Nesting Grounds. 

  • Commune with the Small Elemental Tree at Nesting Grounds
  • Follow the Elemental Spirit and pass all of the Old Elemental Trees at Nesting Grounds
  • Check the health of the Nesting Grounds' Small Elemental Tree

Once this quest is complete, the Green Ranger Elowen Throne & Liberty Guardian will be unlocked. 

A Guardian's Pledge containing a Guardian's power. Imprints the Guardian's power onto your body, enabling you to morph
Green Ranger Elowen

Related Morphs

This ancient species is a native to the foggy northeastern plains on the continent of Solisium. The greater varieties have colorful and shiny feathers. Although their wings are comparatively smaller than other birds', they can still glide short distances after jumping. The Armored Diatrima variety is covered in steel-like feathers. The top sub-type of this species, the Arkhan Diatrima, gives off a blue aura.
Arkhan Diatrima