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Throne and Liberty Onion
Material Food Item

A versatile vegetable grown in fields. Spicy when raw, but sweet when roasted.

Related Items

Meat from Laslan wolves. It's chewy and impossibly tough.
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes
Wolf Meat
Fragrant grass that can be harvested from wild grasses when it rains, or gathered from Animalia monsters.
They say the Wind Flower blooms can only be collected only when the wind blows in the desert.

Adds a refreshing scent to Quarba Sandwiches.
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes
Fruice that can be extracted from fruit. Its sweet and sour nectar lends richness to food
Quality Fruice
A milky white juice made by squeezing the white flesh of a coconut. It is sweeter than dairy milk.
Coconut Milk