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Throne and Liberty Aurora Starfish
Fish Item

Found in all of Solisium's oceans, the Aurora Starfish has a distinctive body and arms. It uses its whip-like arms to crawl across the seafloor when moving, and is surprisingly difficult to capture. It's about 30 cm long and turns a beautiful rainbow of colors when heated.

Size: Small
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes
Aurora Starfish

Ingredient in Cooking Recipes

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The pajama cardinalfish is a small fish, about 45 cm long, with an unusual habit: when the female spawns, the male carries the eggs in his mouth until they hatch to protect them. To protect the eggs, the male will hold the eggs in his mouth and will not eat for two to three months until the young can venture out on their own. It lives in freshwater and has large, reddish eyes and two forked dorsal fins. It has a yellow head and a black band down the middle of its body that looks like a belt.

Size: Small
Pajama Cardinalfish
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Size: Small
Silver Anchovy
The Squid has three parts: head, body, and arms, with both eyes located between the arms and body. It can be found throughout Solisium's sea, from the coast to the deep sea. It is a bioluminescent nocturnal species that is active at night. It is about 45cm in size and is a carnivore that feeds on small fish. On the other hand, Squids are a decent food source for larger fish.

Size: Small
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes
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Size: Medium
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes
Sunspot Rockfish