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Throne and Liberty Taion Moray Eel
Fish Item

The Taion moray is about 158 cm long. Its body is slender and elongated, and flat. Its dorsal and caudal fins are connected. Its body has thick skin and is yellowish-brown with irregular horizontal bands of dark brown. It lives in schools near reefs in shallow waters, especially coral reefs. With its big appetite, it eats all kinds of fish and invertebrates. It's bold and has a fierce temper.

Size: Medium
Taion Moray Eel

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The Blacktip Shark is a medium sized shark that grows to about 180cm. It has a long, pointy mouth, relatively smaller eyes, and a sturdy, streamlined body, which enables it to swim at very high speeds. The back side of the body is dark gray, and its belly is white. It is active only when it rains, and is known to be a violent predator, but it tends to avoid humans.

Size: Large
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes
Blacktip Shark
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Size: Small
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes