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Throne and Liberty Imp Catalupa
Fish Item

The imp catalufa is a small fish, about 63 cm long. Its body is dark orange and red, and its dorsal fin looks like spikes. It grows to about a meter long, although it's been seen longer. It is carnivorous and nocturnal. It's found in lakes and rivers in areas with relatively warm water temperatures.

Size: Small
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes
Imp Catalupa

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The Dolly Varden trout has a slender, elongated, flattened body. It's usually about 135 cm long and has a large mouth with the back of the upper jaw set slightly behind the back of the eyes. Its coloration is yellowish-brown on the dorsal side and silvery-white on the ventral side, with light yellowish-brown rounded spots on the sides and light yellow spots below the lateral line. It's usually found in lakes and rivers.

Size: Medium
Dolly Varden Trout
The Pennant Coralfish is a small fish that grows to about 45cm. Its has vivid black and white band patterns, along with long dorsal fin and yellow tail. Pennant Coralfish are generally not very flavorful, but some people consider their dorsal fin a delicacy. It lives in warm climates.

Size: Small
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes
Pennant Coralfish
The Bluegill is a small fish which grows to about 45cm in length. It lives in freshwater where the current is not strong. It has surprisingly sharp dorsal fins. It's a fast breeding fish due to how well parents protect their eggs from larger predators. It is a omnivorous fish that feeds on a variety of fish species. The upper body is dark green and the belly is yellow. Flaky, tasty, and versatile.

Size: Small
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes
The Peacock Bass is a large freshwater fish that can grow up to 180cm in length. Its most notable feature is a spot on its tail. It feeds on anything it can fit in its mouth. It swallows its prey whole, using a line of teeth in its throat to keep hold of its meal. It tastes delicious when cooked and is considered to be a luxurious cooking ingredient.

Size: Large
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes
Peacock Bass