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Throne and Liberty Pajama Cardinalfish
Fish Item

The pajama cardinalfish is a small fish, about 45 cm long, with an unusual habit: when the female spawns, the male carries the eggs in his mouth until they hatch to protect them. To protect the eggs, the male will hold the eggs in his mouth and will not eat for two to three months until the young can venture out on their own. It lives in freshwater and has large, reddish eyes and two forked dorsal fins. It has a yellow head and a black band down the middle of its body that looks like a belt.

Size: Small
Pajama Cardinalfish

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The blacktail snook is about 180 cm long and has a silvery body with a dark brown line along the sides that extends to the tail. The dorsal fin is gray and darkens toward the tip. The other fins are transparent or yellowish, and the caudal fin is black throughout but lighter at the tip and in the middle. It is mostly found in the oceans in warmer climates.

Size: Large
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes
Blacktail Snook
Kahawai is a fish that grows to an average length of 135cm and is mainly found in shallow waters. The body is bluish-silver, and there are blue spots on the back. The flesh of Kahawai is red. It is said that there is a tradition of eating fresh Kahawai by smoking them over a bonfire at sunset in fishing villages.

Size: Medium
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes
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Size: Small
Belphoret Bass
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Size: Medium
Dolly Varden Trout