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Throne and Liberty Discus
Fish Item

The Discus is a fish prized for its gorgeous appearance. The disk-like flat body grows to a size of 45cm and has vivid colors such as green and red. Its beautiful and delicate appearances make them a popular aquarium fish among the nobles of Solisium. It prefers warm climates and mainly lives in the fresh water.

Size: Small
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes

Ingredient in Cooking Recipes

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Kahawai is a fish that grows to an average length of 135cm and is mainly found in shallow waters. The body is bluish-silver, and there are blue spots on the back. The flesh of Kahawai is red. It is said that there is a tradition of eating fresh Kahawai by smoking them over a bonfire at sunset in fishing villages.

Size: Medium
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes
The Lanquis barracuda grows to an average length of about 135 cm. Its body is brown with a yellowish tinge, and it's characterized by yellow spots and stripes. It's native to the rivers of Lanquis, but is currently found in freshwater throughout Solisium. Fishermen often debate the difference between Lanquis and Fonsiné species.

Size: Medium
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes
Lanquis Barracuda
Heliber Goldfish was named so because its black color resembled that of a Heliber. It is characterized by clear, protruding eyes. It is usually about 45cm in size. It lives in fresh water with weak currents and swims slowly. As it gets older, its body turn black and their eyes protrude. The both sexes look alike, so one can't tell the difference between them. It's not tasty, but its unique look makes it popular as a pet fish.

Size: Small
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes
Heliber Goldfish
The Red Salmon grows to an average of 180cm in length. The head is green and the body is red. Salmon usually go back to the sea after spawning, but some of them stay behind in the fresh water and migrate to freshwater lakes. Salmon that live in the fresh water turn red, hence their name. It is popular among anglers because of its distinct taste and striking color.

Size: Large
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes
Red Salmon