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Throne and Liberty Fierce Wolf
Wild Beast Morph

Wild Beast
The most belligerent of the wolf varieties roaming the Blackhowl Plains. They sport bright, sand-colored fur and sharp fangs. Upon entering striking range, they dash toward their target and attack without mercy. Because they can run as fast as an arrow, they are also known as Arrow Wolves.
Fierce Wolf

Related Morphs

Wild Beast
An extremely vicious wolf species that is native to the Blackhowl Plains. Covered from head to toe in white fur, these predators are very agile. When they spot their prey, they then leap high into the air and clamp their jaws around their targets' necks. While these creatures live in a pack, they prefer to hunt alone. However, when it comes to pack defense, they will not hesitate to work together as a team.
Brutal Wolf
Wild Beast
These are a type of dog commonly found on rural farms in Laslan. Their drooping ears and stiff tails melt the heart. After being tamed, they will show unyielding affection and loyalty toward their owners. They often enjoy long walks and delicious snacks. Shapeshifting into a dog can ease the wariness of those around you.