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Throne and Liberty Flero Griffin
Wild Beast Morph

Wild Beast
Crafting Griffin
Flero Griffin

Related Morphs

Wild Beast
Feathered Terror Birds travel at high speeds and scratch or stabs opponents with their intimidating talons. Their beaks are also sharp and hard enough to break rocks. These violent-tempered birds tend to leave their eggs exposed to external elements, just like other Terror Birds. This strange characteristic unique to this species invites attacks from natural enemies and ensures their population does not increase too much.
Feathered Terror Bird
Wild Beast
Ravens tend to roam the skies of northern Solisium. They have magical blue auras and boast feathers as black as the night sky. These creatures are often used in basic morph magic training and both real and morph ravens are a common sight on the continent of Solisium.
Monarch Raven
Wild Beast
There had not been a single sighting of the Mystic Beast Caproth for many years following when they were first identified in the high mountains of Trutizan. According to ancient literature, these creatures shot electric currents through their horns during rainy weather and flew through the sky at light speed, roaring all the while. Sightings of this long-lost beast have been reported throughout the continent in recent times.
Baphomet Caproth