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Throne and Liberty Ghost Taion
Wild Beast Morph

Wild Beast
A nocturnal beast native to the cold climate of Nix. At night, their powerful muscles become even stronger and more agile. Their coat colors vary between the sub-types, with the Ghost Taion, in particular, characterized by its blue color and sharp horns. In ancient times, they also lived in Solisium before humans settled there.
Ghost Taion

Related Morphs

Wild Beast
Ravens tend to roam the skies of northern Solisium. They have magical blue auras and boast feathers as black as the night sky. These creatures are often used in basic morph magic training and both real and morph ravens are a common sight on the continent of Solisium.
Velvet Raven
Wild Beast
Ash Hounds are a breed of Hellhound that came from Diabolica through fissures in space and time that emerged during the war between giants and dragons. Hot magma circulates within their hard blackened bodies. When agitated, that magma blood boils, granting them explosive speed. They are among the fastest demonic beasts of Diabolica, making them nearly impossible to capture. Since emerging from Diabolica, these creatures have found homes in underground dungeons and deep caverns.
Fire Hound
Wild Beast
The native habitat of the Lumicora is said to be a hidden forest in Belphoret. The fur color and light emitted by these creatures vary greatly, based on their growth level. They can leap to great heights using highly developed leg muscles and have eyes and horns that glow. The Empyrean Lumicoras in particular are noteworthy for a bluish light radiating from their entire bodies. From eyewitness accounts, they are currently mainly located in Belphoret, but have ranged out as far as some Nix forests.
Brown Lumicora