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Throne and Liberty Iron Hound
Wild Beast Morph

Wild Beast
Ash Hounds are a breed of Hellhound that came from Diabolica through fissures in space and time that emerged during the war between giants and dragons. Hot magma circulates within their hard blackened bodies. When agitated, that magma blood boils, granting them explosive speed. They are among the fastest demonic beasts of Diabolica, making them nearly impossible to capture. Since emerging from Diabolica, these creatures have found homes in underground dungeons and deep caverns.
Iron Hound
A Morphstone containing the power of the Wild. The power imprints onto your body, enabling you to morph.
Iron Hound

Related Morphs

Wild Beast
Lutrangs live in the Trutizan region. Once believed to be necessary sacrifices in rituals for divining the future, they nearly went extinct. The unfortunate mistake likely arose from observing how easily Lutrangs shook off pursuing predators with near-supernatural speed, thus making it seem like they could see the future. In reality, they can escape so easily because their sleek bodies allow them to glide quickly through the waves as they swim.
Russet Lutrang
Wild Beast
This ancient species is a native to the foggy northeastern plains on the continent of Solisium. The greater varieties have colorful and shiny feathers. Although their wings are comparatively smaller than other birds', they can still glide short distances after jumping. The Armored Diatrima variety is covered in steel-like feathers. The top sub-type of this species, the Arkhan Diatrima, gives off a blue aura.
Arkhan Diatrima
Wild Beast
There are two theories about the Ferthur's origins. Some claim that they came from Diabolica, while others posit that Mafrion, God of Earth, gave them as a gift to the elves protecting the forest. Ferthurs share their mysterious powers with their fellow flock members. They shine ever brighter as they grow, becoming increasingly vibrant.
Flos Ferthur