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Throne and Liberty Masked Warlock Dantalux

Gregory, a wizard of Trutizan who specialized in research on Diabolica, learned to communicate with a demon named Dantalux while studying an ancient mask. Dantalux's voice from the mask suggested that they play an enticing game involving betting on the forbidden knowledge of demons and a human soul. Dantalux used Gregory's foolishness and human greed to eventually take over his body.
Abyssal Sanctuary
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Masked Warlock Dantalux

Masked Warlock Dantalux Drop Locations

How to Unlock Masked Warlock Dantalux

To unlock Masked Warlock Dantalux, complete the Exploration Codex entry titled The Voice Behind the Mask in Sandworm Lair

  • Talk to the Mysterious Mask
  • Follow the Guiding Light to enter the Unknown Rift
  • Get to the opposite side of the cliff safely
  • Survive the Sandstorm
  • Defeat the incoming enemies
  • Find out who the masked person really is

Complete this quest in Sandworm Lair to unlock the Masked Warlock Dantalux Guardian in Throne & Liberty. 

A Guardian's Pledge containing a Guardian's power. Imprints the Guardian's power onto your body, enabling you to morph
Masked Warlock Dantalux

Related Morphs

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