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Throne and Liberty Monarch Raven
Wild Beast Morph

Wild Beast
Ravens tend to roam the skies of northern Solisium. They have magical blue auras and boast feathers as black as the night sky. These creatures are often used in basic morph magic training and both real and morph ravens are a common sight on the continent of Solisium.
Monarch Raven

Monarch Raven Drop Locations

The Monarch Raven looks drastically different to more common varieties, with busy feathers around its head and chest, and long blue feathers on the wings and tail, as well as two small, blue eyes. 

Monarch Raven Glide Morph in Throne & Liberty
Monarch Raven Glide Morph in Throne & Liberty

To unlock the Monarch Raven, defeat Ahzreil, a level 50 world boss found in Shattered Temple. 

A Morphstone containing the power of the Wild. The power imprints onto your body, enabling you to morph.
Monarch Raven

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Wild Beast
This ancient species is a native to the foggy northeastern plains on the continent of Solisium. The greater varieties have colorful and shiny feathers. Although their wings are comparatively smaller than other birds', they can still glide short distances after jumping. The Armored Diatrima variety is covered in steel-like feathers. The top sub-type of this species, the Arkhan Diatrima, gives off a blue aura.
Diston Walaroo
Wild Beast
The native habitat of the Lumicora is said to be a hidden forest in Belphoret. The fur color and light emitted by these creatures vary greatly, based on their growth level. They can leap to great heights using highly developed leg muscles and have eyes and horns that glow. The Empyrean Lumicoras in particular are noteworthy for a bluish light radiating from their entire bodies. From eyewitness accounts, they are currently mainly located in Belphoret, but have ranged out as far as some Nix forests.
Empyrean Lumicora
Wild Beast
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Ghost Tsarca