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Throne and Liberty Nox Vapoola
Wild Beast Morph

Wild Beast
Crafting Griffin
Nox Vapoola

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Wild Beast
Ash Hounds are a breed of Hellhound that came from Diabolica through fissures in space and time that emerged during the war between giants and dragons. Hot magma circulates within their hard blackened bodies. When agitated, that magma blood boils, granting them explosive speed. They are among the fastest demonic beasts of Diabolica, making them nearly impossible to capture. Since emerging from Diabolica, these creatures have found homes in underground dungeons and deep caverns.
Fire Hound
Wild Beast
Merlapins are Mystic Beasts known for being shy. This is because they usually blend in with their surrounding environment, making them invisible save for brief periods while moving. Because they are so hard to research, the actual number of Merlapins in the wild is difficult to determine. Truly, much about these beasts remain shrouded in mystery.
Wizard Duck
Wild Beast
Ash Hounds are a breed of Hellhound that came from Diabolica through fissures in space and time that emerged during the war between giants and dragons. Hot magma circulates within their hard blackened bodies. When agitated, that magma blood boils, granting them explosive speed. They are among the fastest demonic beasts of Diabolica, making them nearly impossible to capture. Since emerging from Diabolica, these creatures have found homes in underground dungeons and deep caverns.
Volkan Hound