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Throne and Liberty Pale Nemesis Hartach

As an unmatched assassin, it was his first failure, and that failure turned into a massacre. When he awakened, everyone else around him was dead. But was he alive? He instinctively and immediately knew that he had been transformed into a completely different being. Having lost everything dear to him—his comrades, his life, his love—he was granted a new, immortal life after death. It wasn't long until he realized how he should use it.
#블러디 일루션
Recover 3 Health upon killing a target and enter a bloody frenzy that increases critical attack for 6s.
Pale Nemesis Hartach

Pale Nemesis Hartach Drop Locations

How to Unlock Pale Nemesis Hartach

To unlock Pale Nemesis Hartach, complete the Exploration Codex entry entitled Farewell, in Ruins of Turayne

  • Talk to Laslan Watch member Ryan at Watcher's Post
  • Defeat 15 zombies at Ruins of Turayne
  • Use the old door at Ruins of Turayne to enter the Abandoned House
  • Investigate the inside of the Abandoned House at Ruins of Turayne
  • Talk to Laslan Watch member Ryan at Watcher's Post
A Guardian's Pledge containing a Guardian's power. Imprints the Guardian's power onto your body, enabling you to morph
Pale Nemesis Hartach

Related Morphs

Eldrin was a forest clan that worshiped nature and aimed to form a peaceful civilization. Legends say they were born of the World Tree in a time long past. Elowen was daughter of the Mirror Lake Forest Chieftain. When she was young and full of curiosity, she ventured beyond the outskirts of her forest and saw humans slaughtering elves. She was appalled by their cruelty and developed a fear of humans. Afterwards, she committed herself to harsh training in use of the sword and bow in order to be able to protect the forest from any invasion.
Thorn Shackles
적대 대상에게 스킬 피해를 입히면 기본 0.04%, 대상과의 거리 차이 1m 당 50%의 추가 확률로 대상을 1~2초 동안 속박 상태로 만듭니다.
Green Ranger Elowen
After being bitten by a vampire, Ezekiel was saved by Scarla, a monster hunter. He survived with Scarla's help but had become a half-vampire in the process. In despair, Ezekiel attempted to commit suicide, but Scarla suggested that he became a vampire slayer to help save people from the fate he almost succumbed to. Ezekiel agreed and started to train by learning various martial disciplines from Scarla. Ezekiel developed a deep sense of gratitude to her for giving him a new lease on life.
Ravenous Blood
탐욕의 혈류로 기본 공격으로 준 피해의 20% 만큼 생명력을 회복합니다. (M12, 내 기본 피해의 20% 만큼 생명력 회복)
Vampire Slayer Ezekiel
Once a great noble's jester, Charlie escaped to a forgotten room in the castle's basement when he was beaten by his master after he returned in defeat from a battle. After finding a portrait of a knight covered by a dusty cloth (perhaps the noble's ancestor), Charlie mocked the figure by pretending to be a knight, but was shocked out of his mind once he heard a sound coming from the portrait. When the portrait promised to make him into a great knight if Charlie shared his blood with the figure, Charlie smeared his blood on the portrait, and came to possess both the appearance and power of the knight.
Gloomy Jester Barbason