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Throne and Liberty Sand Scorpion
Wild Insect Morph

Wild Insect
A variety of large scorpion that live in the Abandoned Stonemason Town. They are purple and have a bent tail with red poison sac on the tip. They always keep their tails up, so that they can attack enemies right away when they see one.
Sand Scorpion

Related Morphs

Wild Insect
Giants spiders that live in the Carmine Forest. When it gets dark, their bodies start to glow like lanterns. They hide on top of trees, then silently climb down to attack their prey. They can also shoot sticky webs from afar.
Lantern Spider
Wild Insect
A type of symbiotic spider that lives in the Sandworm Lair. Their yellow and black patterns stand out among other spiders. They are very poisonous.
Toximaw Worker Spider