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Throne and Liberty Vampire Slayer Ezekiel

After being bitten by a vampire, Ezekiel was saved by Scarla, a monster hunter. He survived with Scarla's help but had become a half-vampire in the process. In despair, Ezekiel attempted to commit suicide, but Scarla suggested that he became a vampire slayer to help save people from the fate he almost succumbed to. Ezekiel agreed and started to train by learning various martial disciplines from Scarla. Ezekiel developed a deep sense of gratitude to her for giving him a new lease on life.
Ravenous Blood
탐욕의 혈류로 기본 공격으로 준 피해의 20% 만큼 생명력을 회복합니다. (M12, 내 기본 피해의 20% 만큼 생명력 회복)
Vampire Slayer Ezekiel

Vampire Slayer Ezekiel Drop Locations

How to Unlock Vampire Slayer Ezekiel

To unlock Vampire Slayer Ezekiel, you must reach Chapter 5 of the Adventure Codex: A Sacred Pledge of Blood. You must then reach and complete the Pledge Loop Codex Entry, near the bottom of the Chapter 5 Adventure Codex. 

  • Progress the Adventure Story to Chapter 5: A Sacred Pledge of Blood
  • Reach the Pledge Loop Codex by progressing through Chapter 5
  • Go to the Temple of Sylaveth with the guidance of the Guardian's Pledge
  • Examine the Energy-Infused items
  • Defeat Vampire Leonardas

Complete this part of the main questline to unlock Vampire Slayer Ezekiel. 

A Guardian's Pledge containing a Guardian's power. Imprints the Guardian's power onto your body, enabling you to morph
Vampire Slayer Ezekiel

Related Morphs

As an unmatched assassin, it was his first failure, and that failure turned into a massacre. When he awakened, everyone else around him was dead. But was he alive? He instinctively and immediately knew that he had been transformed into a completely different being. Having lost everything dear to him—his comrades, his life, his love—he was granted a new, immortal life after death. It wasn't long until he realized how he should use it.
#블러디 일루션
Recover 3 Health upon killing a target and enter a bloody frenzy that increases critical attack for 6s.
Pale Nemesis Hartach
The elf king, Lindriel, was troubled over the fact that he and his wife were unable to bear children. Thus, during the war, he decided to adopt a baby girl whose father had died in a battle. The king named the baby Rafadriel. Baby Rafadriel grew up to be a healthy girl and showed a talent in archery. Those who disliked her would taunt her over the fact that she was adopted. None of this fazed her. Rather, she became more resolute to become a better daughter and worked tirelessly to prove herself worthy of her royal titles.
Fairy Archer Rafadriel
In the Year 1041, a delegation that was sent to Grasia from Solisium disappeared in the Nimogos Ocean. The royal wizards used all of their abilities to scan the nearby waters, but they found no trace of any wrecked ship. Among the lost was Kamarshea, a legendary knight of Solisium and the only daughter of the distinguished Marquis Kalten. She was a hero who saved many lives and earned a reputation for bravery by often putting her own life on the line from the very first minute she was made an apprentice knight. She was beloved as the guardian of the weak, and news of her disappearance cast a dark shadow over Solisium Castle.
Blazing Panic
모든 스킬 적중 시 발동되며 6초간 내가 적중 시킨 대상의 수 불과 전격 속성이 1 증폭됩니다. 최대 10중첩 (M12. 바람, 불 속성 증폭)
Lady Knight Kamarshea