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Throne and Liberty Wraith Guard Dog
Zombie Morph

The Crimson Family conducted cruel biological experiments in their underground laboratory, mercilessly sacrificing numerous animals in the process. Over time, the accumulated resentment created many vengeful wraiths. Among them, the Wraith Guard Dog that roams the basement of the Crimson Manor House is well known for its vicious fangs, which it uses to tear into any intruders.
Wraith Guard Dog

Wraith Guard Dog Drop Locations

A special Morphstone to morph into the designated form. Imprints onto your body, enabling you to morph.
Wraith Guard Dog

Related Morphs

Numerous biological weapons were created in the Crimson Family's laboratory, using plants, animals, and humans alike as test subjects. The subjects that were successful were used in further testing, while those that failed were bred for observation or discarded. This subject, once an ill-fated guard dog, was turned into a feral, mutant monster. Lazarus freed the would-be guard dog the day before its scheduled disposal, allowing it to escape further testing and procreate. Now, these territorial mutants have spread beyond the manor's lab, still guarding their home.
Mutant Guard Dog
Ravenous Zombies were created the day the flourishing commercial city of Turayne was destroyed by the Shadowmancers of Sylaveth. The inhabitants of the prosperous village who were killed by the Shadowmancers became different types of zombies depending on their base natures, such as greed, despair, or laziness. Greed is linked to the element of fire.
Ravenous Zombie
Zombies, corpses that roam without a soul, can be considered dead bodies reanimated using the elements of dead soil (which represents despair) and corrupted water (which represents laziness). In the end, these creatures, made by fusing despair and laziness, are filled with hostility and hunger for the living, and this is thought to be the underlying power source that allows zombies to move.
Desperate Zombie