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Hello, this is THRONE AND LIBERTY.
We are pleased to announce that we will be performing a routine maintenance update on Thursday, 11 April 2024.
Please see below for details.

Updates include

Added a new 2-star dungeon in Paola's Realm, Isle of Blood Rage.
- Added a new 2-star dungeon, Isle of Blood Rage, featuring Gaitan, King of the Red Goblins.
- The difficulty of the 2-star dungeons "Isle of Terror" and "Void Wastes" have been rebalanced.
- The unified dungeon matching system for 1-star "normal" level dungeons will begin.
■ New Paola's Isle of Blood Rage, a new tiered dungeon.
- Added a new 2-star dungeon, Isle of Blood Fury.
: [Paola's Realm>Isle of Blood Fury] has a new Exploration Codex and one Collection Codex.
Paola's Realm 2-Star Dungeon
- The playability of the [Isle of Fear] dungeon has been reduced.
: Fixed the timing of geyser eruptions to be delayed by 1 second.
: Fixed Kertaki no longer going berserk after a successful predation while starving.
: Kertaki's damage is now increased by 5% for 1 minute after each successful predation while starving.
: Kertaki will now be exhausted after 2 or fewer predation successes while starving, and will no longer be exhausted after 3 predation successes while starving.
: Kertaki berserk time after starting a battle increased from 7 minutes to 7 minutes 30 seconds.
: The duration of the oil absorption effect on the floor when the oil jar is destroyed has been corrected to 1 minute.
- Reduced the playability of the [Void Wastes] dungeon.
: Increased the stacking period of the Dark Touch debuff from Shadow Ray from 0.5 seconds to 0.6 seconds.
: Shakarax's Touch of Darkness debuff is reduced by 1 if he is not hit by Shadow Beam for more than 1 second.
: Shadow Breath pattern duration from initiation to Fear Aura infliction increased from 3 to 4 seconds.
: Fear duration when touched by Fear Aura reduced from 5 to 3 seconds.
: Stun duration when stepping on a Light Rift reduced from 5 to 2 seconds.
Paola's Netherworld [Integrated Dungeon Matching System]
- The 1-star dungeon "Normal" difficulty in Paola's Dimension will now have server-wide matchmaking.
- Players will receive the following benefits when defeating the dungeon with a party formed using the matching system.
Additional rewards
Party matching buffs (25% more max health, 20% more attack damage).
Additional Items : Additional items will be given when you receive a kill reward.

[Additional Items].
Difficulty Level
Demonic Abyss
Rare Attack Elixir
Temple of Roar
Rare Attack Elixir
Caverns of Despair
Rare Attack Elixir
Reaper's Abyss
Dimensional Soulstone: Karnix
Temple of Slaughter
Dimensional Soulstone: Chimarex
Caverns of Doom
Dimensional Soulstone: Requiros
Cursed Wastes
Dimensional Soulstone: Shaikal
Butcher's Gorge
Dimensional Soulstone: Magnaduk
Tyrant's Island
Dimensional Soulstone: Double Key
The servers of party members formed by party matching can be found on the Character Business Card.
You will not be able to interact with other characters in the area you entered through party matching.
New Heroic Tier 2 equipment and drop locations have been added.
- New Heroic Tier 2 armour can now be obtained outside of Co-op Dungeons.
- New Heroic Tier 2 gear can be found in Field Dungeons, Guild Raids, and Field Bosses.
- Some monsters in dungeons using 'Sign of the Covenant: Abyss' that are accessible to level 50 and above will drop a 'Armour Compendium' of some of the new Heroic Tier 2 parts.
- Field bosses at level 50 and above will drop some of the new Heroic Tier 2 tradeable gear.
- 'Guild Raid' bosses will drop non-tradable gear.
- Completing a 'Guild Raid' will reward you with a 'Conquest Medal of Valour' as a participation reward. Gathering 120 'Conquest Medals of Valour' and other material items will allow you to craft new 'Heroic Tier 2' non-tradable gear.
[Amount of 'Conquest Medal of Valour' available in a single Guild Raid].
Boss Level
Drop Range
Bosses below level 50
1 to 2
Bosses level 50 and above
2 to 4
[Dropable items per Field Dungeon]
Field Dungeon Name
Dropable Items
Sanctuary of Desire
Lizard Isle
Rare Tablet: Exterminator's Punishment Gloves
Rare Tablet: Dawnmist's Deathhand
Rare Tome: Spiritfighter's Mortal Hand
Abyss of Sileus Levels 5-6
Shadow Ossuary
Rare Tablet: Exterminator's Condemnation Robe
Rare Tablet: Spirit Warrior's Devotion Armour
Rare Tablet: Frostheart of Dawnmist
[Drops from Field Bosses]
Item Name
Spirit Warrior's Grace
Dawn Mist's Thunderclaw
Dawnmist Killing Hood
Exterminator's Reaper's Eye
Exterminator's Shadow
Grand Elon
Spirit Warrior's Conviction Gaiters
Dawnmist Trousers
Spirit Warrior's Calm Gloves
Exterminator's Judgement Pants
Combat balance adjustments.
- Changed the trigger conditions for some skills.
- Fixed errors in some skills.
- Changed the trigger conditions for some equipment skills.
Two-handed swords
- Savage Rush trigger condition changed from "when using a movement skill" to "when using a movement skill or a skill that moves your position".
- Fixed an issue where Block Iron Blade in Place would not be cancelled by jumping or moving.
- Fixed an issue where Slaughtering Footwork would not attack a cloaked target.
- Changed the trigger condition for Shadow Lingering from "when you use a movement skill" to "when you use a movement skill or a skill that moves you.
- Fixed an issue with Block Blade in Place not being cancelled by jumping or moving.
- Recoil Shot and Wild Resilience trigger condition changed from "when using a movement skill" to "when using a movement skill or a skill that moves you.
- Fixed stacking Mark of the Maw no longer causing the display to not appear after the first condition ends.
- Fixed an issue where using Rapid Heal 2 times in a row would dispel debuffs.
- Fixed an issue where [Active Skill]Virtuous Regeneration would sometimes not be reflected.
- When using Fountain of Life, if the [Use directional/positioning skills on target ] option is enabled, it will now be used on friendly targets.
- Equipment skills have been changed to apply regardless of the currently active weapon set, with some weapons retaining their trigger conditions.
: Tevent's Despair Blade, Junobot's Destroyer, and Adentus' Savage Blade will only trigger when attacking with a two-handed sword.
: Queen Blendi's Ruling Rod skill can only be triggered by a staff skill.
: Requirus's Barbed Blade is triggered by using a Dagger's 'Movement Skill' or 'Move My Position' skill.
: Added a note to the tooltip for Kernobog's Beheading Blade to indicate that it applies sleep after reducing movement and attack speed.
Before Change
Sleep for 3 seconds on attackers (6 seconds on monsters) when blocking a melee attack: Curse applied,
20 second reactivation timeout
Blocking a melee attack reduces the attacker's movement speed and attack speed by 30% for 3 seconds,
Sleep for 3 seconds (6 seconds for monsters) afterwards: Curse applies.
20 second cooldown.
- World Tree Armour Set 4 effect has been changed.
0.6% increased Skill Recycle Rate and 0.6% increased Debilitate Duration per 1000 max Mana
Changed to
Skill cooldown speed increased by 1% per 1000 max mana

New system added.
- Added Photo Mode.
Photo Mode
- Added Photo Mode to take screenshots in game and customise them.
- You can launch Photo Mode from [Main Menu > Photo Mode].
- Photo mode is available after the tutorial is completed.


Adventure Codex fixes
- Fixed the Curse of the Wand skill being unavailable on the Scarecrow in Da Vinci's Fortress on Wisp Island during [Act I: Island of Starry Children] .
- Ongoing in [Adventure Act 3: Old Soldiers Don't Die]: Fixed the Ursa Minor Fields to now display as the performable area for " Gunner of the Fallen Starlight Observatory" and "True Captain".
- Fixed markers for optional dialogues being displayed as main codex markers during some side codexes.
: [Adventure Act 2: The Grey Fang's End] > Appendix ▶ Gathering for Each Other
: [Act 10, Nightmare Déjà Vu] > Appendix ▶ Ferocious Lycans, Ruined Commercial City
- In [Preferences] > [Character], the [Target Selection ] option and [Auto Target Selection when Attacking] option have been changed to allow you to select the target selection method for each.
- The options 'Watch Guild' and 'Nearby monsters or objects' will be added to [Search by distance].
- In [Content Management], the 'Exploration' codex has been improved to allow you to 'collapse/expand' it by region.
- When selecting the 'Origin Stone, Dimension Stone, and Throne' icons, a pop-up window has been improved to display internal information.
- Codex and pin location icons on the map are now displayed above the content settings popup.
- Fixed 'Party member icons' appearing oversized on the map.
Rankings and Kills
- Changed [Rankings > Kills Ranking]to no longer show other people's dead records.
- You can check the cumulative history of your kills/deaths/assists in [Kill History].
Crafting Recipe Changes
- The recipe that uses 'Rare Resistance Parchment: Forged' will be removed.
: These items will be deleted in bulk as they are no longer used.
- The transition notification sound has been enhanced to make it easier to recognise the day/night transition.
- Added sound effects and sounds when registering and reordering menus in the main menu edit mode.
- Fixed the chat window not closing with the [ESC ] shortcut in the full window.
- Fixed an issue where the chat input field would be disabled after a party chat ended.
- Added a function button to the skill bar to switch to a different skill quickslot set.
- Added the ability to rename quickslot sets.
- Fixed red dots being truncated on the main menu.
- Added a convenience button to instantly go to the mirror boutique from the character information window.
- Improved the way rankings are displayed in the ranking registration pop-up when updating a record in Gateway to Infinity.
- When setting the [Preferences > Shortcuts] "Party Markers" setting, the markers that can be assigned to the shortcut are now displayed as icons.
- The Amiiboil emote function has been integrated into the emote pop-up.
- When viewing [Equipment Attribute List > Equipment Attribute Information], the sort order has been changed so that the equipment list is displayed from the lowest tier, and only equipment of the same category is displayed for armour and jewellery.
- The icons for buffs/debuffs granted by bosses that cannot be removed with skills have been changed.
: Added gold borders to the four corners.
- Fixed an issue where Battle Carriers could not use the clasp when moving terrain using 'Lower Stronghold' and 'Marching Stance'.
- If you have the same item in your inventory that can be registered in a Tome, you can now select it.
- Improved the display of details about hunting grounds that can be obtained.
The following categories have been improved: Co-operative Dungeons (Covenant: Dimension), Guild Raids, Dimension Stones, Field Dungeons (Covenant: Abyss), and Hunts.
- The item information window has been improved to show detailed drop source information.
Drop Sources
- Improved the readability of the message displayed when selecting an area with no drops.
- Improved the detail of the Gateway to Infinity ranking information.
- Mystic Globe/Portal drop information has been improved to sort by region.
- Fixed an issue with the display of Akvos race information not matching the area map monster information.
Field Dungeons
- Fixed an issue in [Sanctum of Desire]where closed doors would intermittently appear to be open.
- Added an additional latch to the section of the Abyss from the 3rd to 4th floor of the Abyss in Sileus' Abyss.
Fixed system errors
- Fixed an issue where the area would not print out from the boss content after exiting the 'Peace Field Boss' area.
- Fixed an incorrect zone entry message being displayed when entering the Peace Field Boss area.
- Fixed combat notification displaying late when being targeted by a monster.
- Fixed incorrect name colour in system messages when entering 'PvP'.
- Fixed [Party Finder>Field Dungeon] When recruiting a party, the dungeon will now display the difficulty level.
- Fixed mouse not moving out of the game window when in windowed mode.
- Fixed a bug in the [Party Management ] window where your equipped weapons were not displayed correctly.
- Added a system message guide for unable to expel when attempting to expel a guild member while in [Guild > Distribution > Revenue Sharing] .
- Fixed an issue where the 'Request Guild Leader Delegation' button would display for too long depending on the language.
- Fixed a bug in the tutorial section where it was possible to access locked content using the 'Where to find and use items' section.
Item drops and uses are now available after completing the tutorial.
- Fixed an issue where the difficulty level of an unselected dungeon would be activated and displayed in [Co-op Dungeon > Dimension].
- Fixed an issue where the tooltip of the weapon switch button would not be displayed when the weapon switch function was activated.
- Fixed an issue where the StellarVision number would remain on the nameplate of a previously scanned player when using StellarVision.
- Fixed an issue where the buff icon for the Orc Shadowcaster in Slaughterhouse Gorge would change.
- Fixed an issue in the Skills window where the border animation for skills registered to a Quickslot would not update when switching Quickslot sets.
- Fixed a bug where using a cast skill while typing arrow keys and using roll while casting would cause the player to roll in the direction of the screen instead of the direction they typed.
- Changed the display when healing beyond maximum health to show the amount of healing from the skill, rather than the actual amount of healing recovered.
- Improved the "Difficulty" message for Dimensional Annihilation to now display.
- Changed the tablet to provide equipment item information in the same format as the actual item.
You can now see information about equipment skills, set effects, and compare stats with the currently equipped item.
- Clicking on a character's name in the information section of the HUD will now make them a favourite target.
- Added the ability to set the purchase quantity to a maximum value on the item detail screen in the Battle Pass Store.

Known Issues
Guild Rankings
- Chat markers may not display during Guild Ranking benefits.
Character deaths
- Intermittent death penalties may occur when dying in dungeons.
Tax rate changes
- When changing the tax rate through the Manor Manager, the time available to change the tax rate is no longer displayed.
>You can change the tax rate once until the next siege, but if you change it within 30 minutes of the end of the siege, you will still have one chance to change it.
- Gatehammer no longer jumps backwards when using Hammer of Heatwave in front of the Inner Gate.
> Skill damage now applies.
We look forward to more exciting updates in the future.
Thank you.