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Throne and Liberty Curse Explosion
Wand & Tome Skill

Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Wand & Tome
370 Mana
Skill Type
Use Format
Deals 420% of Base Damage + 272. If target is affected by the user'sCurse Damage over time, increases the remaining Burning, Curse, and Poison Damage over time from the user by 5% for every 1 of the user's Touch of Despair stacks, deals the damage 2 times, and removes the effects.
Lvl. 11 - 15
Damage ▲
380% + 204 / 380% + 221 / 400% + 238 / 400% + 255 / 420% + 272
Target Base Damage ▲
380% + 204 / 380% + 221 / 400% + 238 / 400% + 255 / 420% + 272
Unlocks at level 1
Curse Explosion
Deals [280|280|295|295|315]% of Base Damage + [34|51|68|85|102]. If target is affected by the user'sCurse Damage over time, increases the remaining Burning, Curse, and Poison Damage over time from the user by 5% for every 1 of the user's Touch of Despair stacks, deals the damage 2 times, and removes the effects.
Deals [330|330|345|345|365]% of Base Damage + [119|136|153|170|187]. If target is affected by the user'sCurse Damage over time, increases the remaining Burning, Curse, and Poison Damage over time from the user by 5% for every 1 of the user's Touch of Despair stacks, deals the damage 2 times, and removes the effects.
Deals [380|380|400|400|420]% of Base Damage + [204|221|238|255|272]. If target is affected by the user'sCurse Damage over time, increases the remaining Burning, Curse, and Poison Damage over time from the user by 5% for every 1 of the user's Touch of Despair stacks, deals the damage 2 times, and removes the effects.


Dark Explosion
Dark Explosion
Damage over time persists, and explosion damage decreases by 50%
Damage Increased
Damage Increased
Touch of Despair damage boost 10% ▲
Focus target
Focus target
Changes to a target skill, Cooldown ▼

This skill is part of the Wand & Tome weapon type.

Related Skills

Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Wand & Tome
370 Mana
Skill Type
Use Format
Set Location / Direction
Creates a 5m area at the target location and applies Weaken: Curse on all enemies within the area to deal 65% of Base Damage + 73 per sec for 9s. Does not wake up Sleeping targets.
Damage Over Time Boost
60% + 57 / 60% + 61 / 62% + 65 / 62% + 69 / 65% + 73
Curse Damage over time ▲
60% + 57 / 60% + 61 / 62% + 65 / 62% + 69 / 65% + 73
Unlocks at level 1
Corrupted Magic Circle
Active Skill
Wand & Tome
Base Skill: Clay's Salvation
Base Damage Boost
3.2% / 3.4% / 3.6% / 3.8% / 4%
Janice's Rage