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Deadly Grave

Deadly Grave
Item Skill - Throne and Liberty

Creates an area in a 3m radius around Brutal Arrow's target location that deals 40% of Base Damage every 0.5s for 5s
Granted by:
Wraith's Thorn Bow
Deadly Grave
Creates an area in a 3m radius around Brutal Arrow's target location that deals 40% of Base Damage every 0.5s for 5s
Granted by: Wraith's Thorn Bow

Related Skills

Devastating Tornado's Attack Speed 100% ▲, Move Speed 20% ▲ for skill's duration. Attacks apply Serial Fire Bombs' Burning effect. Lv. 1 Burning if not equipped with a Staff
Blazing Tornado
Fatal Stigma range ▲ by 600% of Attack Range. Damage ▲ by 24% of Base Damage
Granted by:
Silent Tracker
Mortal Stigma