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Throne and Liberty Frost Master
Staff Skill

Passive Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Skill Type
Additionally decreases Movement Speed for Weaken effects by8% and increases their duration by 16%.
Lvl. 11 - 15
Movement Speed ▼
6.8% / 7.1% / 7.4% / 7.7% / 8%
Movement Speed ▼ duration ▲
13.6% / 14.2% / 14.8% / 15.4% / 16%
Unlocks at level 33
Frost Master
Additionally decreases Movement Speed for Weaken effects [by3.8|by4.1|by4.4|by4.7|by5]% and increases their duration by [76%|82%|88%|94%|10%].
Additionally decreases Movement Speed for Weaken effects [by5.3|by5.6|by5.9|by6.2|by6.5]% and increases their duration by [106%|112%|118%|124%|13%].
Additionally decreases Movement Speed for Weaken effects [by6.8|by7.1|by7.4|by7.7|by8]% and increases their duration by [136%|142%|148%|154%|16%].

This skill is part of the Staff weapon type.

Related Skills

Passive Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Skill Type
Increases Skill Damage by 150 but decreases all Mana Cost Efficiency by 15%.
Skill Damage Boost ▲
130 / 135 / 140 / 145 / 150
Unlocks at level 39
Forbidden Sanctuary
Passive Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Skill Type
Increases Mana Regen by 105.
Remaining stationary for 3s additionally increase Mana Regen by 105.
The effect remains for 2s after moving.
Movement skills do not cancel the effect.
Mana Regen ▲
84 / 90 / 95 / 100 / 105
When staying still, Mana Regen ▲
84 / 90 / 95 / 100 / 105
Unlocks at level 6
Passive Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Skill Type
Increases Max Mana by 1200 and Max Health by 3360.
Max Mana ▲
2800 / 2940 / 3080 / 3220 / 3360
Max Health ▲
960 / 1020 / 1080 / 1140 / 1200
Unlocks at level 12
Mana Amp