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Throne and Liberty Guild Resurrection Stone
Guild Skill

Guild Skill
Lv. 3 Uncommon
Creates a Guild Resurrection Stone that allows guild members to choose their resurrection location. Guild members who have fallen within a 100m radius of the Resurrection Stone can use it. Can be used up to 18 times per summon. Resurrected guild members' Health and Mana recover by 40%. Resurrection Stone lasts 5min.
Guild Resurrection Stone
Creates a Guild Resurrection Stone that allows guild members to choose their resurrection location. Guild members who have fallen within a 100m radius of the Resurrection Stone can use it. Can be used up to [6|12|18] times per summon. Resurrected guild members' Health and Mana recover by [30%|35%|40%]. Resurrection Stone lasts 5min.

Guild Unlocks by Level

Level 1 of Guild Resurrection Stone unlocks at guild level 7.
Level 2 of Guild Resurrection Stone unlocks at guild level 17.
Level 3 of Guild Resurrection Stone unlocks at guild level 27.

Related Skills

Guild Skill
Lv. 3 Uncommon
Creates a Guild Summon Gate that can be used by guild members as a Waypoint. The gate lasts up to 3min and may be destroyed by other players.
Guild Summon Gate
Guild Skill
Lv. 3 Uncommon
Abyssal Contract Token Efficiency increases by 2% for 25min.
Guild Blessing: Abyss