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Throne and Liberty Hellfire Rain
Staff Skill

Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Base Skill: Infernal Meteor
630 Mana
A special skill that can only be grown with Precious Active Skill Growth Books: Omnipotence.

Deals 666% of Base Damage + 74 to targets within a 4m radius and apply Weaken: Burning. A Fire skill which drops 12 small meteors randomly to deal 444% of Base Damage + 49 and apply one Weaken: Burning stack. Damage increases by 40% against monsters. Ignore target's Shield Block Chance.
Lvl. 11 - 15
Damage ▲
372% + 23 / 372% + 30 / 400% + 36 / 400% + 43 / 444% + 49
Hellfire Rain
This is skill is a result of selecting the trait "Hellfire Rain" on the skill Infernal Meteor
A special skill that can only be grown with Precious Active Skill Growth Books: Omnipotence. Deals [558|558|600|600|666]% of Base Damage + [35|45|54|65|74] to targets within a 4m radius and apply Weaken: Burning. A Fire skill which drops 12 small meteors randomly to deal [372|372|400|400|444]% of Base Damage + [23|30|36|43|49] and apply one Weaken: Burning stack. Damage increases by 40% against monsters. Ignore target's Shield Block Chance.

This skill is part of the Staff weapon type.

Related Skills

Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
370 Mana
Skill Type
Use Format
Strikes the target with lightning that deals 780% of Base Damage + 356 damage. Using the skill on a target affected by the user's Wet or Frost effects transfers 520% + 237 damage to up to 5 nearby targets within a 5m radius. Damage increases by 40% against monsters. Using the skill on a target with the user's Burning or Ignite effects grants a(n) 17.5% chance per stack to use the skill 2 times in a row. Has a chance to apply Burning or Ignite depending on which status has more stacks. Landing a Heavy Attack immediately enables the second use. Landing another Heavy Attack after decreases the cooldown by 30%.
Damage ▲
740% + 302 / 740% + 315 / 760% + 329 / 760% + 342 / 780% + 356
Unlocks at level 36
Judgment Lightning
Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Skill Type
Use Format
Casts a fire skill that deals 60% of Base Damage + 47 damage 10 times. The damage is amplified by 60% against monsters. Can move around or take other actions after casting the skill.
Damage ▲
55% + 37 / 55% + 39 / 57% + 42 / 57% + 44 / 60% + 47
Unlocks at level 15
Fireball Barrage