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Throne and Liberty Impenetrable
Sword & Shield Skill

Passive Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Sword & Shield
Skill Type
Increases Magic, Melee, and Ranged Defense proportional to the number of targets within a 9m radius.
Magic, Melee, and Ranged Defense increase by 299 if there are 2 or fewer targets within range; by 400 if there are 3 to 6 targets; and increase by 820 if there are 7 or more targets.
Lvl. 11 - 15
Skill Range ▲
7m / 7.5m / 8m / 8.5m / 9m
Unlocks at level 41
Increases Magic, Melee, and Ranged Defense proportional to the number of targets within a [2m|2.5m|3m|3.5m|4m] radius. Magic, Melee, and Ranged Defense increase by [179|299|299|299|299] if there are 2 or fewer targets within range; by [280|400|400|400|400] if there are 3 to 6 targets; and increase by [700|820|820|820|820] if there are 7 or more targets.
Increases Magic, Melee, and Ranged Defense proportional to the number of targets within a [4.5m|5m|5.5m|6m|6.5m] radius. Magic, Melee, and Ranged Defense increase by 299 if there are 2 or fewer targets within range; by 400 if there are 3 to 6 targets; and increase by 820 if there are 7 or more targets.
Increases Magic, Melee, and Ranged Defense proportional to the number of targets within a [7m|7.5m|8m|8.5m|9m] radius. Magic, Melee, and Ranged Defense increase by 299 if there are 2 or fewer targets within range; by 400 if there are 3 to 6 targets; and increase by 820 if there are 7 or more targets.

This skill is part of the Sword & Shield weapon type.

Related Skills

Passive Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Sword & Shield
Skill Type
Increases all CC Resistance by 18.75 for 3s upon evading an attack, shield blocking, or blocking with a Defense skill.
Stacks up to 10 times.
All CC Resistances ▲
15.75 / 16.5 / 17.25 / 18 / 18.75
Unlocks at level 33
Gerad's Patience
Passive Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Sword & Shield
Skill Type
Attack a victim of the user's Provoking Roar or Cleaving Roar extends the remaining duration of the effects by 0.4s, and deals 72% of Base Damage + 37 damage to all nearby targets with Provoking Roar or Cleaving Roar within a 3m radius.
Damage ▲
60% + 29 / 63% + 31 / 66% + 33 / 69% + 35 / 72% + 37
Unlocks at level 25
Spectrum of Agony