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Throne and Liberty Lightning Throw
Daggers Skill

Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Base Skill: Knife Throwing
260 Mana
Skill Type
Use Format
Set Location / Direction
Throws 5 knives to the designated direction up to 4.8 times the normal Attack Range. Each knife deals 60% of Base Damage. Inflicts the Weaken effect that decreases Magic, Melee, and Ranged Endurance by 150. If the target has Wet or Thunderclouds, a random enemy within a 5m radius will receive the same damage.
Lvl. 11 - 15
Endurance ▼
110 / 120 / 130 / 140 / 150
Unlocks at level 50
Lightning Throw
This is skill is a result of selecting the trait "Lightning Throw" on the skill Knife Throwing
Throws 5 knives to the designated direction up to 4.8 times the normal Attack Range. Each knife deals 60% of Base Damage. Inflicts the Weaken effect that decreases Magic, Melee, and Ranged Endurance by [10|20|30|40|50]. If the target has Wet or Thunderclouds, a random enemy within a 5m radius will receive the same damage.
Throws 5 knives to the designated direction up to 4.8 times the normal Attack Range. Each knife deals 60% of Base Damage. Inflicts the Weaken effect that decreases Magic, Melee, and Ranged Endurance by [60|70|80|90|100]. If the target has Wet or Thunderclouds, a random enemy within a 5m radius will receive the same damage.
Throws 5 knives to the designated direction up to 4.8 times the normal Attack Range. Each knife deals 60% of Base Damage. Inflicts the Weaken effect that decreases Magic, Melee, and Ranged Endurance by [110|120|130|140|150]. If the target has Wet or Thunderclouds, a random enemy within a 5m radius will receive the same damage.

This skill is part of the Daggers weapon type.

Related Skills

Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
190 Mana
Skill Type
Use Format
Coats the daggers with poison for 9s to apply Weaken: Poison to all following attacks. Poison inflicts 4.1% of Base Damage + 2 damage per sec and decreases targets' Health Regen by 4% per stack for 6s. The damage is amplified by 60% against monsters. Stacks up to 20 times.

Using the skill again within 9s activates a stabbing attack with both hands, dealing 155% of Base Damage + 37 damage with the main hand and 340% of Base Damage + 81 damage with the off-hand. The off-hand attack damage is increased by 4% per Poison stack.
Poison Damage ▲
3.6% + 2 / 3.7% + 2 / 3.8% + 2 / 3.9% + 2 / 4.1% + 2
Unlocks at level 1
Inject Venom
Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Base Skill: Frenzied Sword Dance
360 Mana
Skill Type
Use Format
A special growth skill that can only be grown with Precious Training Books: Omnipotence.

Approach the target and deal 190% of Base Damage + 38. Attacks 3 times consecutively. Can be used 1 more time within 3s.
Damage ▲
160% + 18 / 160% + 23 / 170% + 28 / 170% + 33 / 190% + 38
Unlocks at level 50
Mad Sword Dance
Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Base Skill: Umbral Spirit
360 Mana
Skill Type
Use Format
Deals 57% of Base Damage +27 Bonus Damage to the target if your attack was a Melee Critical Hit for 6s. If the target is affected by Wet or Thunderclouds, inflict 45.6% of Base Damage + 22 to 2 random enemies within a 5m radius of the target.
Damage ▲
52% + 20 / 52% + 21 / 55% + 22 / 55% + 24 / 57% + 27
Thunder Spirit