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Throne and Liberty Mystic Shield
Staff Skill

Defense Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
35 Stamina
Skill Type
Use Format
Defends against attacks. On defending against a Fury Attack while stationary, deals 175% of Base Damage + 98 to the target with a(n) 80% chance to use an Ice skill with a Weakening effect that decreases Movement Speed by 40% for 3s. On defending against a Fury Attack within 0.5s, Mystic Shield changes to Lightning Pick for 3s. Wrath Attacks can't be defended.
Use with the directional buttons to defend against attacks while moving 4m in the designated direction for 0.5s. On defending against a Fury or Wrath Attack, Mystic Shield changes to Scorching Sphere for 3s.

Lightning Pick
A Lightning skill that deals 320% of Base Damage + 125. Deals an additional 4% damage per stack against targets that are Burned by the User. If the target is affected by the user's Wet or Frost effects, the damage transfers to other enemies within a 5m radius from the target up to 3 times. Damage decreases by 20% per target. Transferred damage does not stack.

Scorching Sphere
A Fire skill that deals 300% of Base Damage + 344 and applies 3 stacks of Weaken: Burning.
Lvl. 11 - 15
Damage ▲
160% + 74 / 160% + 80 / 165% + 86 / 165% + 92 / 175% + 98
Lightning Pick Damage ▲
290% + 94 / 290% + 101 / 305% + 109 / 305% + 117 / 320% + 125
Scorching Sphere Damage ▲
280% + 258 / 280% + 280 / 290% + 302 / 290% + 322 / 300% + 344
Unlocks at level 1
Mystic Shield
Defends against attacks. On defending against a Fury Attack while stationary, deals [120|120|125|125|135]% of Base Damage + [12|18|25|31|37] to the target with a(n) 80% chance to use an Ice skill with a Weakening effect that decreases Movement Speed by 40% for 3s. On defending against a Fury Attack within 0.5s, Mystic Shield changes to Lightning Pick for 3s. Wrath Attacks can't be defended. Use with the directional buttons to defend against attacks while moving 4m in the designated direction for 0.5s. On defending against a Fury or Wrath Attack, Mystic Shield changes to Scorching Sphere for 3s. Lightning Pick A Lightning skill that deals [220|220|230|230|245]% of Base Damage + [16|23|31|39|47]. Deals an additional 4% damage per stack against targets that are Burned by the User. If the target is affected by the user's Wet or Frost effects, the damage transfers to other enemies within a 5m radius from the target up to 3 times. Damage decreases by 20% per target. Transferred damage does not stack. Scorching Sphere A Fire skill that deals [220|220|230|230|240]% of Base Damage + [44|64|86|108|130] and applies 3 stacks of Weaken: Burning.
Defends against attacks. On defending against a Fury Attack while stationary, deals [140|140|145|145|155]% of Base Damage + [43|49|55|61|67] to the target with a(n) 80% chance to use an Ice skill with a Weakening effect that decreases Movement Speed by 40% for 3s. On defending against a Fury Attack within 0.5s, Mystic Shield changes to Lightning Pick for 3s. Wrath Attacks can't be defended. Use with the directional buttons to defend against attacks while moving 4m in the designated direction for 0.5s. On defending against a Fury or Wrath Attack, Mystic Shield changes to Scorching Sphere for 3s. Lightning Pick A Lightning skill that deals [255|255|265|265|280]% of Base Damage + [55|62|70|78|86]. Deals an additional 4% damage per stack against targets that are Burned by the User. If the target is affected by the user's Wet or Frost effects, the damage transfers to other enemies within a 5m radius from the target up to 3 times. Damage decreases by 20% per target. Transferred damage does not stack. Scorching Sphere A Fire skill that deals [250|250|260|260|270]% of Base Damage + [150|172|194|216|236] and applies 3 stacks of Weaken: Burning.
Defends against attacks. On defending against a Fury Attack while stationary, deals [160|160|165|165|175]% of Base Damage + [74|80|86|92|98] to the target with a(n) 80% chance to use an Ice skill with a Weakening effect that decreases Movement Speed by 40% for 3s. On defending against a Fury Attack within 0.5s, Mystic Shield changes to Lightning Pick for 3s. Wrath Attacks can't be defended. Use with the directional buttons to defend against attacks while moving 4m in the designated direction for 0.5s. On defending against a Fury or Wrath Attack, Mystic Shield changes to Scorching Sphere for 3s. Lightning Pick A Lightning skill that deals [290|290|305|305|320]% of Base Damage + [94|101|109|117|125]. Deals an additional 4% damage per stack against targets that are Burned by the User. If the target is affected by the user's Wet or Frost effects, the damage transfers to other enemies within a 5m radius from the target up to 3 times. Damage decreases by 20% per target. Transferred damage does not stack. Scorching Sphere A Fire skill that deals [280|280|290|290|300]% of Base Damage + [258|280|302|322|344] and applies 3 stacks of Weaken: Burning.

This skill is part of the Staff weapon type.