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Throne and Liberty Seething Black Fog
Item Skill

Hitting with a Sword has a(n) 15% chance to inflict Weaken: Curse, decreasing Magic, Melee, and Ranged Hit Chances by 30 for 3s.
Granted by:
Resonance Blade
Seething Black Fog
Hitting with a Sword has a(n) 15% chance to inflict Weaken: Curse, decreasing Magic, Melee, and Ranged Hit Chances by 30 for 3s.
Granted by: Resonance Blade

Related Skills

Melee Critical Hit Chance increases by 250 at night, and by 125 during the day
Kowazan's Madness
Additional 380 Health heal per 6s when using Swift Healing skills on allies with 40% or lower Health. Cooldown 30s
Excavator's Breath