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Tevent's Furious Rage

Tevent's Furious Rage
Item Skill - Throne and Liberty

Resets Camouflage Cloak cooldown on enemy kills within 5s of its expiration. Camouflage Cloak deals 205% of Base Damage to all enemies in a 3m radius, with a 70% chance to apply Collision: Push
Tevent's Furious Rage
Resets Camouflage Cloak cooldown on enemy kills within 5s of its expiration. Camouflage Cloak deals [100|135|170|205|205]% of Base Damage to all enemies in a 3m radius, with a 70% chance to apply Collision: Push
Resets Camouflage Cloak cooldown on enemy kills within 5s of its expiration. Camouflage Cloak deals 205% of Base Damage to all enemies in a 3m radius, with a 70% chance to apply Collision: Push
Resets Camouflage Cloak cooldown on enemy kills within 5s of its expiration. Camouflage Cloak deals 205% of Base Damage to all enemies in a 3m radius, with a 70% chance to apply Collision: Push

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