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Throne and Liberty Transcending Power: Gale
Transcendence Skill

Transcendence Skill
Turns the winds into powerful gusts for 7min, blowing in the direction the camera is facing.
Movement Speed increases by 20% for 18s for nearby party members and guild members.
Transcending Power: Gale

Related Skills

Transcendence Skill
Rain falls for 10min.
Mana Cost Efficiency increases by 100% and Cooldown Speed increases by 20% for 24s for nearby party members and guild members.
Transcending Power: Heavy Rain
Transcendence Skill
Darkens the world for 10min.
All party members and guild members within a 5m range are Stealthed for 30s.
Using skills or moving out of the caster's range ends Stealth.
Transcending Power: Eclipse