Character: Sophia in Throne and Liberty 3 months ago People of Vienta Village Share on Reddit Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Sophia is a Throne and Liberty Resistance Officer and leader of the Terrific Trio. We meet her in Vienta Village and hand over the clues we have collected. Location of Resistance Officer Sophia in Throne and Liberty Character Sophia's appearance in Throne and Liberty In Throne and Liberty, Resistance Officer Sophia wears armor made of white, lined fabric, a chain mail shirt underneath, leather gloves, and a white cloak that covers her shoulders with black feathers. She also wears a red armband with a white symbol over her left elbow. Sophia has fair skin, long white hair, and blue eyes. Resistance Officer Sophia in Throne and Liberty Sophia's Character Quotes in Throne and Liberty What is it? I'm in the middle of an important mission, so unless it's urgent, please come to me about it another time. Robert? He should be in the Nesting Grounds investigating the missing child case right now ... What did he say? Damn it! So, it wasn't a simple missing child case after all. One moment, I found a piece of a map while searching around here, too. If we put these together ... Oh dear, this shows a staging area of the Arkeum Legion! I will inform Captain DaVinci immediately and we will stage a rescue! Thank you for your help. I'd better contact Robert and Rutaine, too ... What? He went to the staging area alone? That fool! Who knows how many Arkeum soldiers will be there?! I'm sorry to ask more of you, but could you hurry to the place on the map and help Robert? Knowing him, he might have jumped on already, though. Going alone may well get you killed. I will report to Captain DaVinci as quickly as possible and lead reinforcements there. Thank you so much! Looking at the map, the place is over a stone bridge on the north of the Nesting Grounds. I'll mark the exact location on your map. In the battle against the Arkeum Legion: Robert, you fool! Rushing in recklessly again with no regard for what's around you! (Robert to DaVinci) Sure. You know I'm capable of that much, don't you? (Sophia to Robert) Running recklessly into the battlefield, you mean? (Robert to Sophia) is that why you sent 'em first because you were worried about me? (Sophia to Robert) Shut up. Maybe ... we can find the one behind the kidnapping. Robert, over there! The children are safe! I'll take the responsibility for the children. Don't worry. In Vienta Village You're back. We've brought all the children back safely and came back here after discussing what to do with the hideout. You aren't hurt, I hope? Thanks to you, we were able to save the children and that fool, Robert. I thought my heart would drop right out of my ... Ahem, n...never mind. Zaroth was the Arkeum's commander, overseeing operations in Laslan. Thanks to you, the region will be safe for a while. They are really frightened but everyone is fine. Nothing but a few minor injuries. It's all thanks to you and Robert taking action so quickly. These plans for a kidnapping operation have the name "Calanthia" on them ... Calanthia used to be a very infamous witch of Arkeum. There were rumors that she died, so it's strange to hear her name again. Anyway, according to this, they're seeking children with Star Fragment to extract the power. Calanthia almost did that to you, too. I've heard of the power of the Star Fragment from DaVinci, but I didn't realize Arkeum would be obsessed with it. Captain DaVinci personally accepted you into the Resistance, so please feel free to ask for help if you ever feel that you may be in danger, too. The Resistance was created to fight the Arkeum Legion. The truth is, the captain saved our lives when we were young - Rutaine, Robert, and I. We owe our lives to him, and we respect and admire him more than anyone else. When he saved us, I swore ... that when I grew up, the three of us would form a guild and become people who could be of service to him. Captain DaVinci also encouraged us by giving us the flag he kept with him from when he was a trainee so long ago. His support made us the force we are today. Haha, well, thank you. But after experiencing what happened this time, I feel like the three of us alone aren't enough. I felt it even more deeply with you helping us. I think it's time for our guild to let go of the name "The Terrific Trio". We are much stronger together than alone. Our guild is greater than the sum of its members, just like Captain DaVinci's Resistance.