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Character: Rutaine in Throne and Liberty

Character: Rutaine in Throne and Liberty

3 weeks ago

Rutaine is a Resistance Officer and great wizard in Throne and Liberty, who is searching for missing children and whom we meet in Carmine Forest.

Character Rutaine's appearance in Throne and Liberty

Resistance Officer Rutaine is a feminine-looking but masculine character in Throne and Liberty. He is slim, has fine facial features and chin-length white hair. He carries a magic staff and wears the Resistance Officer armor.

Rutaine's Character Quotes in Throne and Liberty

  1. (as Lunar-17) ... can any ... hear me? Is there ... who ... help me ...? If you ... hear ... please touch ... Lunar's head ...
  2. Oh, thank goodness! The connection is working! Can you hear me? I am Rutaine, a wizard. I'm in urgent need of assistance, so I left my Diston there to find someone who could help me.
  3. I need help finding a missing child as soon as possible.
  4. Can you come to the area around the Carmine Forest Waypoint? I'll be waiting!
  5. I hope whoever I spoke to arrives soon ... Oh, yes? Can I help you?
  6. Oh, goodness! It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Rutaine. You really came. What a relief!
  7. I'm currently investigating a disappearance in Vienta Village, but I'm running out of time and urgently need the help of a magic wielder.
  8. So I left Lunar-17 behind and set it to communicate with me when it detects someone nearby who can wield magic.
  9. Right beside Laslan is a dominion called Stoneguard. The biggest town there is called Vienta.
  10. Recently, a child named Lucille went missing from the village. The Resistance has launched a search to find her.
  11. The problem is that even after a day of searching, there's no sign of her. We expanded the search area, and my friends and I are now investigating the Nesting Grounds and Carmine Forest.
  12. A monster known as Morokai lives in this Carmine Forest. If the child did come all the way out there, she's in grave danger.
  13. I've hidden Mana Recording Devices throughout the forest to keep track of Morokai's movements.
  14. Could you please retrieve those devices for me? In the meantime, I will search Morokai's hideout for any signs of children.
  15. I hid them in clusters of spider eggs around the forest. I made them so that only magic wielders can recover them, keeping them safe from monsters that could damage them.
  16. Dig them out of the spider eggs and the clamps will loosen in response to your magic. Then just bring them back to me.
  17. You're back already? I hope you didn't run into any trouble.
  18. Thank you! I'll check these for any sign of the child. Please wait a moment.
  19. Hmm ... There's no trace of the child on this device, either. This ... isn't good ...
  20. In Morokai's hideout, I found a crumpled letter that says "Abduct children".
  21. In any case, it seems the child is not missing, but rather was kidnapped. If she's not in the forest, they might have taken her somewhere else ... Oh, and I must let my comrades know ...
  22. Oh, you can deliver a message for me? Thank you! This way I can continue my search in the north side of the forest.
  23. A comrade of mine, Robert, is currently searching for any traces of the child in the Nesting Grounds. Please pass this new information on to him.
  24. You're here! Thank you for coming! Thanks to you, everything worked out. I'm in your debt.
  25. Oh, you see ... Do you remember the Mana Recording Device we set up to monitor Morokai? When I came back from looking for the children, I felt a suspicious energy from it.
  26. I explored the area, and there are strange entities called Soul Arbiters appearing in the forest lately. If you defeat one, a small flame spirit will emerge and lead you to another area.
  27. I think they lead toward Syleaus's Abyss. Anyway, we don't know what else will happen in the forest if we leave just them be. The problem is, it's hard to explore the area alone.
  28. Thank you so much! Sophia and Robert couldn't help me because they have other fish to fry ...
  29. Again, when you eliminate one of the Soul Arbiters that appear in the forest, a small flame spirit will appear. Please follow it and find out the cause of the suspicious energy.
  30. According to local guards, you can hear a terrible scream when several Soul Arbiters gather in one place. Maybe that has something to do with this energy?
  31. Oh, and when you enter Syleus's  Abyss, please be sure to do so in a group. It's a dangerous place to be alone.
  32. Welcome back. Did you find anything?
  33. I see. Circe ... I've heard tales of her before. She was said to have used dark magic to control spirits, so the townsfolk got spooked and had her banished.
  34. No one has seen or heard of her since then, but I never thought she'd end up in Syleus's Abyss ... By the way, did anything weird happen there?
  35. According to the spellbook of Hale Verpheus, a unique phenomenon called the Abyssal Contract occurs in places dominated by darkness.
  36. It is said that hunting monsters outside such dark realms like Syleus's Abyss accumulates a special energy, which then manifests itself upon entering said realms.
  37. Apparently, this sort of thing only happens to Star Fragment-bearers and it can greatly increase their strength and skills. If so, perhaps you ...
  38. See what happens the next time you go into a dark place like that. Perhaps you can use this phenomenon to your advantage.
  39. Anyway, thank you for your help with the investigation. We need to look more closely at the relationship between Circe and Syleus.