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Throne and Liberty True Defender Pluton

Pluton was once a low-ranking knight of a humble family. However, the king he served saw his skills and loyalty and held him in high esteem. Each time he achieved a meritorious deed, he was promoted and rewarded generously. And in return, Pluton pledged even higher and deeper loyalty. He became the king's most outstanding knight, and his shield.
True Defender Pluton

True Defender Pluton Drop Locations

A Guardian's Pledge containing a Guardian's power. Imprints the Guardian's power onto your body, enabling you to morph
True Defender Pluton

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모든 스킬 적중 시 발동되며 6초간 내가 적중 시킨 대상의 수 불과 전격 속성이 1 증폭됩니다. 최대 10중첩 (M12. 바람, 불 속성 증폭)
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