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Throne and Liberty Red Salmon
Fish Item

The Red Salmon grows to an average of 180cm in length. The head is green and the body is red. Salmon usually go back to the sea after spawning, but some of them stay behind in the fresh water and migrate to freshwater lakes. Salmon that live in the fresh water turn red, hence their name. It is popular among anglers because of its distinct taste and striking color.

Size: Large
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes
Red Salmon

Ingredient in Cooking Recipes

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The Black Bream generally grows up to 135cm and weighs about 2 to 4 kg. It is flat on the sides and its fins are gray or black. In clear waters, it may appear bronze in color. It usually lives in the lower reaches of rivers and feeds on algae that live in the nutrient-rich muds.

Size: Medium.
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes
Black Bream
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Size: Small
Silver Anchovy
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Size: Medium
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes
Skipjack Tuna
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Size: Small
Ingredient in Cooking Recipes