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Throne and Liberty Diston Walaroo
Wild Beast Morph

Wild Beast
This ancient species is a native to the foggy northeastern plains on the continent of Solisium. The greater varieties have colorful and shiny feathers. Although their wings are comparatively smaller than other birds', they can still glide short distances after jumping. The Armored Diatrima variety is covered in steel-like feathers. The top sub-type of this species, the Arkhan Diatrima, gives off a blue aura.
Diston Walaroo

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Wild Beast
Lutrangs live in the Trutizan region. Once believed to be necessary sacrifices in rituals for divining the future, they nearly went extinct. The unfortunate mistake likely arose from observing how easily Lutrangs shook off pursuing predators with near-supernatural speed, thus making it seem like they could see the future. In reality, they can escape so easily because their sleek bodies allow them to glide quickly through the waves as they swim.
White Lutrang
Wild Beast
It is said that someone originally summoned the first Grimchaser from Diabolica. The blue fire of their manes turn red as they grows, converting the firepower of their bodies into muscle strength that enables explosive acceleration. The Hellion Grimchaser develops a sort of body armor upon evolving into the top sub-type of this species. This strange adaptation is said to be the result of magic imbued by entities of Diabolica.
Pola Grimchaser
Wild Beast
An extremely vicious wolf species that is native to the Blackhowl Plains. Covered from head to toe in white fur, these predators are very agile. When they spot their prey, they then leap high into the air and clamp their jaws around their targets' necks. While these creatures live in a pack, they prefer to hunt alone. However, when it comes to pack defense, they will not hesitate to work together as a team.
Brutal Wolf