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Throne and Liberty Dog
Wild Beast Morph

Wild Beast
These are a type of dog commonly found on rural farms in Laslan. Their drooping ears and stiff tails melt the heart. After being tamed, they will show unyielding affection and loyalty toward their owners. They often enjoy long walks and delicious snacks. Shapeshifting into a dog can ease the wariness of those around you.

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Answer Cygnus
Wild Beast
Purpumas are said to be native to the black forests of Trutizan. These nocturnal creatures are transparent at night, making them perfect ambushers. Like other predators, Purpumas are feared for their agility. A typical Purpuma's entire body is black, and as it grows stronger, it gains a fierce violet aura. They live a solitary life in the deep forest and mainly hunt herbivores.
Shadow Purpuma