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Throne and Liberty Golden Lutrang
Wild Beast Morph

Wild Beast
Lutrangs live in the Trutizan region. Once believed to be necessary sacrifices in rituals for divining the future, they nearly went extinct. The unfortunate mistake likely arose from observing how easily Lutrangs shook off pursuing predators with near-supernatural speed, thus making it seem like they could see the future. In reality, they can escape so easily because their sleek bodies allow them to glide quickly through the waves as they swim.
Golden Lutrang
A Morphstone containing the power of the Wild. The power imprints onto your body, enabling you to morph.
Golden Lutrang

Related Morphs

Wild Beast
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Ghost Tsarca
Wild Beast
Dracoryft Turtles have a dragon-like appearance and were first spotted in the Dracoryft region. They have a solid shell that can withstand heavy impacts. Higher tiers of this species can glow increasingly brighter. They can swim in lava, making them a Mystic Beast with no natural predators. They are extremely difficult to capture.
Spinel Dracoryft Turtle
Wild Beast
A nocturnal beast native to the cold climate of Nix. At night, their powerful muscles become even stronger and more agile. Their coat colors vary between the sub-types, with the Ghost Taion, in particular, characterized by its blue color and sharp horns. In ancient times, they also lived in Solisium before humans settled there.
Marbas Taion