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Throne and Liberty Orc Butcher
Orc Morph

Orc Butchers hail from the Akidu clan. They are very cruel and vicious, and they prefer to use clubs as to prolong their defeated enemies' agony.
Orc Butcher
Orc Butcher Morph in Throne & Liberty
Orc Butcher Morph in Throne & Liberty

To unlock the Orc Butcher morph in Throne & Liberty, complete the second objective of No Magic to Give the Orcs, a quest in the Akidu Valley Exploration Codex:

  • Possess 80 Talismans at Operation: Talisman Delivery
  • Acquire a Performance Reward from Operation: Talisman Delivery
A special Morphstone to morph into the designated form. Imprints onto your body, enabling you to morph
Orc Butcher

Related Morphs

Orc Executioners hail from the Akidu clan. These aggressive orcs can fight for three days straight without resting, and they use only half-covered helmets to show off their courage.
Orc Executioner
Each orc clan has their own preferred diety which they dutifully honor with ceremonies and festivals. For instance, the Fonos clan serves Flamakan, the god of fire who they honor with their Festival of Fire. During these festivals, the Chief Priest and shamans use a fire ritual to empower their fellow clan members.
Orc Shaman