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Throne and Liberty Redpin Kelpi
Wild Beast Morph

Wild Beast
Merlapins are Mystic Beasts known for being shy. This is because they usually blend in with their surrounding environment, making them invisible save for brief periods while moving. Because they are so hard to research, the actual number of Merlapins in the wild is difficult to determine. Truly, much about these beasts remain shrouded in mystery.
Redpin Kelpi

Related Morphs

Wild Beast
Cats are, by nature, small solitary predators that originally inhabited the wilds of Trutizan. However, due to their natural cuteness, laid-back nature, and ability to catch mice, they became a favorite pet of sailors and farmers. As such, they have spread around the world after being used on ships to protect supplies. Cats are now an object of affection in every single known country.
Wild Beast
Tsarcas, which inhabit the Talandre region, are Mystic Beasts that have maintained their original form while other sharks of the marshes have bizarrely mutated due to some unknown cause. While the nature of the swampland makes visibility a challenge, these beasts specialize in detecting changes in water conditions through an organ in their nose, enabling them to swim while expending minimal amounts of energy.
Tide Tsarca
Wild Beast
There had not been a single sighting of the Mystic Beast Caproth for many years following when they were first identified in the high mountains of Trutizan. According to ancient literature, these creatures shot electric currents through their horns during rainy weather and flew through the sky at light speed, roaring all the while. Sightings of this long-lost beast have been reported throughout the continent in recent times.
Horned Caproth