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Throne and Liberty Manaball Eruption
Staff Skill

Passive Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Skill Type
Firing bombs or projectiles with Staves or Wands has a(n) 5% chance to fire an additional bomb or projectile that deals 150% of Base Damage.
Chance increases by 0.024% per 1 Mana Regen.
Lvl. 11 - 15
Damage ▲
130% / 135% / 140% / 145% / 150%
For every 1 Mana regenerated, Activation Rate ▲
0.02% / 0.021% / 0.022% / 0.023% / 0.024%
Unlocks at level 3
Manaball Eruption
Firing bombs or projectiles with Staves or Wands has a(n) 5% chance to fire an additional bomb or projectile that deals [80|85|90|95|100]% of Base Damage. Chance increases by [0.01|0.011|0.012|0.013|0.014]% per 1 Mana Regen.
Firing bombs or projectiles with Staves or Wands has a(n) 5% chance to fire an additional bomb or projectile that deals [105|110|115|120|125]% of Base Damage. Chance increases by [0.015|0.016|0.017|0.018|0.019]% per 1 Mana Regen.
Firing bombs or projectiles with Staves or Wands has a(n) 5% chance to fire an additional bomb or projectile that deals [130|135|140|145|150]% of Base Damage. Chance increases by [0.02|0.021|0.022|0.023|0.024]% per 1 Mana Regen.

This skill is part of the Staff weapon type.

Related Skills

Passive Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Skill Type
Increases Skill Damage by 150 but decreases all Mana Cost Efficiency by 15%.
Skill Damage Boost ▲
130 / 135 / 140 / 145 / 150
Unlocks at level 39
Forbidden Sanctuary
Passive Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Skill Type
Decreases Silence durations by 2s.
Increases Bind, Silence, and Sleep Resistances by 640 for 10s if the user is under the effect of respective CC debuffs.
Silence, Bind, Sleep Resistance ▲
540 / 565 / 590 / 615 / 640
Unlocks at level 21
Echoic Barrier