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Throne and Liberty Nature's Power
Crossbow Skill

Passive Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Skill Type
Using a Mobility or Movement skill increases Bonus Damage by 26 and Skill Damage by 19 for 4s.
Lvl. 11 - 15
Bonus Damage ▲
22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26
Unlocks at level 6
Nature's Power
Using a Mobility or Movement skill increases Bonus Damage by [12|13|14|15|16] and Skill Damage by 19 for [3s|4s|4s|4s|4s].
Using a Mobility or Movement skill increases Bonus Damage by [17|18|19|20|21] and Skill Damage by 19 for 4s.
Using a Mobility or Movement skill increases Bonus Damage by [22|23|24|25|26] and Skill Damage by 19 for 4s.

This skill is part of the Crossbow weapon type.

Related Skills

Passive Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Skill Type
On hit, Magic and Ranged Hit Chance increase by 40. Magic and Ranged Hit Chance increase by an additional 20 and Weaken Chance increases by 12.5 per 1m of distance from the target.
Magic Hit Chance ▲
16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
Ranged Hit Chance ▲
16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
Unlocks at level 3
Eagle Vision
Passive Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Skill Type
Increases Weaken Hit Chance by 205.
Weaken Chance ▲
177 / 184 / 191 / 198 / 205
Unlocks at level 33
Corrupt Nail