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Throne and Liberty Rapidfire Stance
Longbow Skill

Passive Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Skill Type
Remaining stationary for 2s increases Attack Speed by 20% and Magic, Melee, and Ranged Hit Chance by 100. The effect remains for 2s after moving. Movement skills do not cancel the effect.
Lvl. 11 - 15
Attack Speed ▲
16% / 17% / 18% / 19% / 20%
Unlocks at level 3
Rapidfire Stance
Remaining stationary for 2s increases Attack Speed by [6|7|8|9|10]% and Magic, Melee, and Ranged Hit Chance by 100. The effect remains for 2s after moving. Movement skills do not cancel the effect.
Remaining stationary for 2s increases Attack Speed by [11|12|13|14|15]% and Magic, Melee, and Ranged Hit Chance by 100. The effect remains for 2s after moving. Movement skills do not cancel the effect.
Remaining stationary for 2s increases Attack Speed by [16|17|18|19|20]% and Magic, Melee, and Ranged Hit Chance by 100. The effect remains for 2s after moving. Movement skills do not cancel the effect.

This skill is part of the Longbow weapon type.

Related Skills

Passive Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Skill Type
Magic, Melee, and Ranged Endurance increase by 60, and Continuous Health Recovery from skills increase by 6% per party member (including the user) within 16m radius.
Endurance ▲
48 / 51 / 54 / 57 / 60
Continuous Health Recovery ▲
4.8% / 5.1% / 5.4% / 5.7% / 6%
Unlocks at level 27
Distorted Sanctuary
Passive Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Skill Type
Each 1m of distance away from the target increases Magic, Melee, and Ranged Critical Hit Chance by 24 and Critical Damage by 0.9%.
Critical Hit Chance ▲
20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24
Unlocks at level 12
Sniper's Sense